Mentions légales

Le présent site est édité par le Cabinet BELOVETSKAYA Avocats.

Siège : 20 avenue de Wagram 75008 Paris

Numéro SIRET: 78935647400021

Membre d’une association agréée

Directeurs de la publication : Daria BELOVETSKAYA.

Le présent site web est hébergé par la société Forward ltd NIF 7840507864, iour.adresse: Russie, 191023, Saint-Pétersbourg, Sadovaya 28-30, bâtiment.8., Téléphone +7 (812) 335-34-84


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Founding Partner

Attorney admitted to the Paris and St Petersburg Bars

Daria Belovetskaya graduated in Law and Economics from St. Petersburg State University.

Daria began her career in 2002 in St Petersburg, where she first worked in a Law firm and then as a legal counsel in a construction company.

In 2008, she pursued her professional career in France, after graduating in Business and Tax Law at the Sorbonne University and in Energy, Infrastructure and Project Finance Law at the University of Paris X.

She specializes in litigation in the areas of Construction Law, Industrial Risk and Energy.

Daria represents the interests of industrial groups and energy sector operators, as well as promoters, contractors, builders, manufacturers, providers and their insurers in national and international disputes.

She also defends the interests of ship owners, cargo owners, freight forwarders, terminal operators and warehouse keepers, in the context of disputes related to damage to hull and damage to cargo (transit and storage) or P&I.

More broadly, she intervenes within the large scope of the recreational marine industry (yacht owner and manager, shipbuilders and designer, crew, tour operator...).

In handling her cases, Daria is passionately dedicated to the interests of her clients in order to enable them to obtain the best outcome.

langues avocatLANGUAGES Russian, French and English

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Steffi Dally

Steffi DALLY

Attorney admitted to the Paris Bar


A graduate in public economic law and in general public and private law at the University of Paris Est Créteil, Steffi DALLY practices in marine, industrial risks and construction insurance litigation.

Her professional career began in the legal department of a multinational company specialized in cargo transport, in charge of tenders (public contracts, concessions ...) on French territory.

Steffi also worked for the Legal Affairs Mission of the Paris Prefecture for the legality and conformity control of acts taken by local authorities.

Her more recent experience within several law firms in the departments dedicated respectively to real estate law and litigation have improved her skills in procedural law and her expertise in public and private contracts.

Thanks to her experience, Steffi represents within BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS Law Firm the interests of ship owners, cargo owners, freight forwarders, terminal operators and warehouse keepers as well as industrial groups, developers, project managers, builders and their insurers in national and international disputes.

Her meticulousness and motivation are precious assets for the management of our cases and contribute to the best defense of our clients' interests.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English

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Attorney admitted to the Paris Bar

Céline BELLIER joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in July 2020 after having acquired a strong academic background and diversifying her skills by working in stimulating and demanding environments.

She graduated in Real Estate and Construction law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas, and initiated her professional career in the legal departments of real estate and mass distribution multinationals.

She then joined several law firms specialized in real estate law, including a last experience in a major international law firm.

In addition to litigation issues, Céline was in charge of drafting contracts and providing advice in real estate and construction law.

Within BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS, Céline is managing major litigations, defending the interests of developers, landlords, manufacturers as well as their insurers.

Her thoroughness and deep involvement are a strength and contribute to the efficiency of our cases.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English

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Michel de BEZENAC

Tranee lawyer

A graduate of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne in Business Law and of the University of Leicester in Corporate Law, Michel de Bézenac also obtained two Masters degrees in Finance contracts and in Comparative Law.

Registered at the Paris Bar School, he has now joined HEC Paris in the MSc/LLM International Management and Law.

His first professional experience was acquired at Shanghai Rejuventation Law firm in China. He was particularly involved in construction projects in Vientiane and in litigation related to the financing of construction projects.

During his most recent experience at Odi-sé Avocat law firm he had the opportunity to practice in Air Finance Law and to acquire skills in Private International Law, Law of Obligations and Security Law.

He has also been able to develop his skills in corporate counseling.

Michel de Bézenac joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in January 2021 as a trainee lawyer.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English (mother tongues)

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Marie-Antoinette NIOKE

Tranee lawyer

Marie-Antoinette has a dual academic background in France and Guinea. 

As part of her Master's degree in Comparative Business Law at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, she also completed part of her studies in Montreal.

Her professional experience began in Guinea.

She first joined the Société Nouvelle d'Assurance de Guinée (SONAG) as an agent. She was also in charge of the WIPNET program (Women in Peace Building in West Africa) which enabled her to represent Guinea during a sub-regional conference in Lagos (Nigeria) on the status of the United Nations Resolution 1325.

Currently preparing for the Bar School entrance exam (CRFPA), Marie-Antoinette joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in October 2020 as a trainee lawyer.

With her multicultural background, Marie-Antoinette brings to the firm the richness of her spirit and the will to progress and learn.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English 

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Founding partner



Founding Partner

Attorney admitted to the Paris and St Petersburg Bars

Daria Belovetskaya graduated in Law and Economics from St. Petersburg State University.

Daria began her career in 2002 in St Petersburg, where she first worked in a Law firm and then as a legal counsel in a construction company.

In 2008, she pursued her professional career in France, after graduating in Business and Tax Law at the Sorbonne University and in Energy, Infrastructure and Project Finance Law at the University of Paris X.

She specializes in litigation in the areas of Construction Law, Industrial Risk and Energy.

Daria represents the interests of industrial groups and energy sector operators, as well as promoters, contractors, builders, manufacturers, providers and their insurers in national and international disputes.

She also defends the interests of ship owners, cargo owners, freight forwarders, terminal operators and warehouse keepers, in the context of disputes related to damage to hull and damage to cargo (transit and storage) or P&I.

More broadly, she intervenes within the large scope of the recreational marine industry (yacht owner and manager, shipbuilders and designer, crew, tour operator...).

In handling her cases, Daria is passionately dedicated to the interests of her clients in order to enable them to obtain the best outcome.

langues avocatLANGUAGES Russian, French and English

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Steffi Dally

Steffi DALLY

Attorney admitted to the Paris Bar


A graduate in public economic law and in general public and private law at the University of Paris Est Créteil, Steffi DALLY practices in marine, industrial risks and construction insurance litigation.

Her professional career began in the legal department of a multinational company specialized in cargo transport, in charge of tenders (public contracts, concessions ...) on French territory.

Steffi also worked for the Legal Affairs Mission of the Paris Prefecture for the legality and conformity control of acts taken by local authorities.

Her more recent experience within several law firms in the departments dedicated respectively to real estate law and litigation have improved her skills in procedural law and her expertise in public and private contracts.

Thanks to her experience, Steffi represents within BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS Law Firm the interests of ship owners, cargo owners, freight forwarders, terminal operators and warehouse keepers as well as industrial groups, developers, project managers, builders and their insurers in national and international disputes.

Her meticulousness and motivation are precious assets for the management of our cases and contribute to the best defense of our clients' interests.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English

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Attorney admitted to the Paris Bar

Céline BELLIER joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in July 2020 after having acquired a strong academic background and diversifying her skills by working in stimulating and demanding environments.

She graduated in Real Estate and Construction law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas, and initiated her professional career in the legal departments of real estate and mass distribution multinationals.

She then joined several law firms specialized in real estate law, including a last experience in a major international law firm.

In addition to litigation issues, Céline was in charge of drafting contracts and providing advice in real estate and construction law.

Within BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS, Céline is managing major litigations, defending the interests of developers, landlords, manufacturers as well as their insurers.

Her thoroughness and deep involvement are a strength and contribute to the efficiency of our cases.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English

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Michel de BEZENAC

Tranee lawyer

A graduate of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne in Business Law and of the University of Leicester in Corporate Law, Michel de Bézenac also obtained two Masters degrees in Finance contracts and in Comparative Law.

Registered at the Paris Bar School, he has now joined HEC Paris in the MSc/LLM International Management and Law.

His first professional experience was acquired at Shanghai Rejuventation Law firm in China. He was particularly involved in construction projects in Vientiane and in litigation related to the financing of construction projects.

During his most recent experience at Odi-sé Avocat law firm he had the opportunity to practice in Air Finance Law and to acquire skills in Private International Law, Law of Obligations and Security Law.

He has also been able to develop his skills in corporate counseling.

Michel de Bézenac joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in January 2021 as a trainee lawyer.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English (mother tongues)

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Marie-Antoinette NIOKE

Tranee lawyer

Marie-Antoinette has a dual academic background in France and Guinea. 

As part of her Master's degree in Comparative Business Law at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, she also completed part of her studies in Montreal.

Her professional experience began in Guinea.

She first joined the Société Nouvelle d'Assurance de Guinée (SONAG) as an agent. She was also in charge of the WIPNET program (Women in Peace Building in West Africa) which enabled her to represent Guinea during a sub-regional conference in Lagos (Nigeria) on the status of the United Nations Resolution 1325.

Currently preparing for the Bar School entrance exam (CRFPA), Marie-Antoinette joined BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS in October 2020 as a trainee lawyer.

With her multicultural background, Marie-Antoinette brings to the firm the richness of her spirit and the will to progress and learn.

langues avocatLANGUAGES French and English 

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The Firm regularly defends the interests of industrial site operators, maintenance companies, manufacturers or suppliers of industrial equipment and design offices carrying out industrial process works, established in France and abroad, whose professional civil liability is sought by users of their services or third parties.

Our lawyers are involved at all stages of the industrial operations, from the development of projects, during their implementation and throughout the life of the installations.

Following the occurrence of a claim, the Firm assists our clients in determining damages and implementing the necessary remedies.


The liability of product manufacturers and their importers in the European Union can be claimed for lack of conformity, lack of performance, hidden defects, lack of safety, lack of advice or late delivery.

The financial consequences of such litigation may far exceed the cost of manufacturing and marketing the products.

BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS works alongside manufacturers and importers in the European Union to prevent and manage litigation relating to their product liability.



The project owner enters into contractual and non-contractual relations with a large number of persons (builders, neighbors, purchasers).

The project owner has a certain number of obligations, violations of which, may result in his civil or ten-year construction liability. Thus, it is crucial for him to be regularly advised from the very elaboration of the contract scheme. The Firm regularly intervenes alongside the project owners, both in the preparation of the building program as well as in litigation.

Following the occurrence of a claim, our lawyers also assist the project owners in dealing with their insurers and builders, enabling them to ensure that the applicable coverages are mobilized and to set up any recourse they may have.


The Firm regularly represents architects, builders, their subcontractors and insurers before judicial and administrative courts. Most frequently, it concerns litigation related to the implementation of legal insurance guarantees.

When mandated by the insurer, the Firm intervenes under policies such as Construction Damage, Construction Decennial Liability and Promoter's Liability. 

Our lawyers also manage contractual litigation cases dealing with project delays, penalties, waiving of work delivery reservations and additional work.

Environmental risks


Industrial operations and construction work require environmentally friendly procedures. However, it is common in these areas to generate, rather sudden and accidental or gradual pollution.

If this occurs, it is the responsibility of the operator to support cleaning costs and to indemnify damages to third parties.

The Firm assists clients, effectively defending their interests against unjustified or highly exaggerated claims and exercising their remedies.


The development of renewable energies entails major investments in complex projects. As such, their operations are more unpredictable. Yet with no obligation for decennial liability insurance, the constructions do not systematically have rework coverage. In their case, only dismantling insurance is required.

If an accident occurs, we defend the interests of operators, assisting them in assessing the loss, triggering insurance coverage and taking legal action.



We act on behalf of ship owners for their Hull & Machinery insurance and when their P&I is involved. Our field of intervention also includes all yachting activities (Hull and P&I, refit and repairs, crew and A&H, tour operator, yacht broker/manager...). We also represent the interests of project owners and shipbuilders (before and after acceptance).

We advise our clients on the application of insurance coverage with regard to the definition of the claim provided for in the policy and the possible conditions and exclusions of indemnification. 


The law firm BELOVETSKAYA AVOCATS represents cargo owners, freight forwarders and their insurers when investigating causes of cargo damage and/or liability (fire, contamination, theft, Delay in Start-Up, misappropriation…) and defending their interests.

In the absence of a waiver or amicable settlement, we also implement possible recourses against shipowners, freight forwarders, haulers, terminal operators, or warehousemen.

Alternative dispute resolution methods


French legislation and case law are becoming increasingly attractive for facilitating alternative dispute resolution methods.

Thus, our lawyers accommodate our clients when applying for a judge to be appointed in order to help the parties reach an amicable agreement. 

In such a case, the judge will assist the parties in reaching this agreement instead of settling the dispute.

The Firm accompanies our clients in such instances or in traditional negotiations in order to resolve disputes out of court and draw up settlement protocols.


It is often in the interest of all parties involved in the procedure to implement an alternative solution to the dispute. 

Mediation has many advantages in this regard. It is confidential and non-binding. It also aims to consider the full range of interests of all parties.

The role of accompanying lawyers is crucial for its successful implementation. Their assistance allows the parties to possess full legal analysis of the dispute, to better understand the mechanism of this procedure, as well as to ensure the quality of the mediation agreement. Our experience in such alternative ways of dispute resolution allows us to successfully assist our clients in the mediation process.

International litigation


A dispute occurring abroad may impact the parent company and its insurer even in the absence of a master policy. This type of dispute usually requires the implementation of a careful strategy, considering the jurisdiction or arbitration clauses provided for in the contracts involved.

We intervene alongside French insurers, particularly in the capacity of monitoring council. 

Our role is to set up a common strategy with local correspondents to enable the insurer to assess its provision, reduce the financial impact of the claim and ensure the favorable conditions in the exercise of claims.


The long-term experience of our founding partner in Russia and France, including in the field of private international law, as well as her double academic education, allows the law firm BELOVETSKAYAYA AVOCATS to effectively protect the interests of our clients at all stages of disputes with their foreign partners.

Our lawyers are always trying to facilitate a settlement in these instances out of court, which, given the cost of the arbitration process, enables them to significantly reduce their litigation costs.

In cases of impossibility to reach an out-of-court agreement, the Firm represents their interests in institutional and ad hoc arbitration proceedings organized in Russia, other CIS countries or in Europe.

BELOVETSKAYA aarpi avocats Paris


20 avenue de Wagram 
75008 Paris


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01 88 33 79 52